*The Drumline Clinic offers THREE TRACKS!
ADVANCED: For veteran students interested in auditioning for DCI, WGI, and college drumlines
INTERMEDIATE: For students with at least one year of experience on their drumline instrument
NOVICE/BEGINNER: For students who are just starting out on drumline or switching to a new instrument.
The Drumline Clinic will focus on marching snare, marching tenors, and marching bass drum. Camp attendees should bring the instrument they have been assigned by their director, or the instrument they will have the most success on. Marching cymbals and front ensemble will NOT be included in this camp. We will focus on playing technique exercises, marching technique, show music, parking lot etudes, and cadences. All attendees should bring: marching drum, drum stand, practice pad, sticks/mallets, water jug, hat/sunscreen, earplugs, 3-ring binder, binder clips, highlighter, and a pencil. If you need a drum or drum stand provided for you, please let us know with your registration. This camp is intended for rising 9th grade through 12th grade students.
Spirit awards will be given daily as well as ribbons for hardest worker. Trophies will be awarded to outstanding campers during the Awards Ceremony on the last day of camp. Parents and friends are invited to attend this end-of-camp program.
Basic Schedule:

Doug Moser - Sebastian River HS Percussion Director, Former USF HOT Percussion Director
Tristan Alderton - University of North Florida Percussion Performance Major